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Take a moment to look at things from your clients' perspective and increase your chances of being remembered - and appreciated!

Look at what former magazine art director-turned-photographer Clint Davis did to ensure that potential clients would give him a try.

To underline what they do, APEX have added a ruler to the bottom of their Business Cards, and as you can see, they measure up rather well.

Gianfranco uses MOO Postcards in a totally innovative way, turning them into great looking name badges for conferences.

If the nature of your work is complex, it's often simpler to explain it with an image. That's what California's Creative Commons did.

The internet helps illustrators work with clients all over the world, but sometimes it takes a physical nudge to get yourself noticed, says Jonny.

If you're an illustrator honing your skills at home, why not put them to work? Luisa tells us how she's turning pet projects into paying ones.

Hancoli sell their jewellery on their website and through Etsy, and their business cards capture the shine and sparkle of their products.

Spreadshirt thrives on their creative customers, and has found a way to celebrate their creations with a set of colourful Business Cards.

Photographer Janell Wood uses her best photographs for the front of her cards using Printfinity, so she can carry her portfolio in her pocket.

The team at wanted to share their passion for music with the people they met. With Printfinity, they found MOO had the answer.

Artist and blogger Natalie Malik made some beautiful rounded corner Business Cards with her favourite paintings on one side.