Bertram Hotel


The simplest designs often feel like no design at all. So even though these Luxe Postcards seem straightforward at first glance, there's always a mirror twist that draws the eye back for a second look.

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Bertram Hotel is the name of an Agatha Christie mystery, starring Miss Marple, and that gave me the idea of a design based on a Mayfair tearoom. But I also wanted a reflection, of the sort you'd get from a completely still lake, something that looks the same either way up, but isn't.

About the designer

Jovanna Mendes de Souza was born in Brazil, and brought up in Sweden. She came to London to study design at the prestigious Central Saint Martins College of Art, graduating with an MA in Graphic and Communication Design. She is inspired by a huge range of influences, including Victorian inventions, layering different styles, and the work of design luminaries like Max Huber and Aubrey Beardsley.

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