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Thank You Card

When you say thank you, you do it wholeheartedly, with your arms out wide, and this thank you card design does it that way too. This stretched-out design adds charming depth and solidity to your best wishes.

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This design is a way of putting the solidity of 3D into a flat image, without trying too hard to define that extra dimension. There's no vanishing point, no perspective, just blocks of colour thickening up the letters, in a design that recalls the roaring '20s. As a thank you card, this design adds emphasis to your message, so your recipients know that you really mean it.

About the designer

Chris Baron graduated with a BA in Multimedia Design in 2005 from Southampton University, UK. He has worked in various creative fields within packaging, print and film, including projects for the BBC and Guerilla Creative Production. He draws inspiration from the urban landscape as well as design pioneers like Saul Bass.

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