Good things come in threes


What's that they say about three being a magic number? It certainly crops up a lot in fairytales, as illustrated by these charming cards - depicting bears, little pigs, blind mice and billy goats gruff, in triplicate.

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Three is the minimum amount of legs you need in order to make a stool stand up. And it's the same in storytelling - it's called the 'rule of three' - two similar things are just a coincidence, whereas four is a crowd. So, we have Three Blind Mice, Three Billy Goats Gruff, Three Little Bears and The Three Little Pigs. And you have three really good reasons to use these Postcards for party invites or greetings for the young, or young at heart.

About the designers

MOO Designs is a collaborative creative effort from the design team at MOO. All our designers have an individual style that we love, but are also brilliant at working as a team towards a single goal. We’ll give them any theme or idea, and they’ll meld their minds together to produce a series of beautiful card designs.

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