Bloomin' Lovely


Catch this delightful bouquet! A sumptuous bunch of beautiful flowery photographs, featuring orchids, daisies and marigolds. They won't give you green fingers, but they will brighten up your day.

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About Fotolia Aperçu

You never know when you'll need to produce a bunch of flowers at a moment's notice, so it's best to be prepared. This MiniCard pack brings together some wonderful floral photography, either up close or far, far away, great for florists, wedding planners, beauticians and therapists too.

About Fotolia

Fotolia est la première banque mondiale d'images libres de droits. Le site a communiqué quelques unes des meilleures photos de leurs utilisateurs à MOO afin que vous puissiez les utiliser sur vos cartes et autocollants.

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