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Biglietto di ringraziamento

When you say thank you, you do it wholeheartedly, with your arms out wide, and this thank you card design does it that way too. This stretched-out design adds charming depth and solidity to your best wishes.

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This design is a way of putting the solidity of 3D into a flat image, without trying too hard to define that extra dimension. There's no vanishing point, no perspective, just blocks of colour thickening up the letters, in a design that recalls the roaring '20s. As a thank you card, this design adds emphasis to your message, so your recipients know that you really mean it.

Informazioni sul designer

Chris Baron si è laureato in Design Multimediale nel 2005 presso l'Università di Southampton, nel Regno Unito. Ha lavorato in diverse aree creative del packaging, della stampa e del cinema, collaborando anche a progetti per la BBC e Guerilla Creative. Le sue fonti di ispirazione sono il paesaggio urbano e pionieri del design come Saul Bass.

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