Square Dance

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Here's a delightful and deliberately off-kilter way to tell a friend you appreciate them, or tell a colleague that you're grateful for their hard work, laid out in bright bold blocks of colour and crisp white.

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You don't always have to say things in the simplest possible fashion to appear sincere, otherwise this card would be black and white, the text would be vertical, and there would only be one design available. A little bit of style can be just as effective – and let's face it, a lot nicer to look at – without interfering with the overall impact of the message itself.

Informazioni sul designer

Chris Baron si è laureato in Design Multimediale nel 2005 presso l'Università di Southampton, nel Regno Unito. Ha lavorato in diverse aree creative del packaging, della stampa e del cinema, collaborando anche a progetti per la BBC e Guerilla Creative. Le sue fonti di ispirazione sono il paesaggio urbano e pionieri del design come Saul Bass.

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