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Who needs words anyway? They're blunt instruments, open to wild misinterpretation and often taken entirely the wrong way. Whereas it's hard to misread a smile or a heart, and they're always spelled correctly.

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In fin dei conti, le cartoline vengono utilizzate per una serie di motivi comuni. Le persone vogliono mandare i saluti (o un sorriso) a qualcuno o vogliono riportare le ultime novità, belle e brutte. Questi cinque biglietti mirano a condensare quasi tutti quei messaggi in cinque aree chiave, rappresentandole poi graficamente.

Informazioni sul designer

Matt Avery is a designer and art director who grew up in Essex, and now lives in East London. When not working at MOO you might find him playing music with the band 'Kindness', or trying to get his drum machines to work. He has a hatred of Croc shoes.

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