Giocare con la neve


Even Santa needs to blow off steam from time to time, with a little candy cane ice-hockey, and thanks to Susan Mitchell's delightful illustrations, he can! Don't worry, that's not your Christmas present.

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Questo è un mondo in cui i pupazzi di neve pattinano sul ghiaccio e i gatti sono vestiti da Babbo Natale senza lamentarsi (un vero miracolo natalizio). Quindi, se quest'anno cercate qualcosa di un po' diverso (comunque elegante) per gli inviti alle feste o come etichette per regali, queste incantevoli MiniCard fanno al caso vostro.

Informazioni sul designer

Susan Mitchell was working as an art teacher in Scotland when a gypsy fortune teller told her she would 'go across water, and illustrate childrens books'. Luckily for us, the fortune teller was right, and Susan's beautiful illustrations and collages are now available to people not just across the water, but all over the world.

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