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Some things need to be said without a lot of fuss, but that doesn't mean they can't also be pretty. So while the text on these Postcards is heartfelt and to-the-point, the light dusting of decorative dots is pure eye-candy.

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Quando si realizza qualcosa che porta un messaggio ben definito e molto chiaro, la linea tra il minimalismo ordinato e il vuoto privo di sensazioni è davvero sottile. Mi piace la forza delle semplici lettere maiuscole su uno sfondo bianco, ma volevo aggiungere una cornice che enfatizzasse quanto detto, senza dover ingrandire il testo.

Informazioni sul designer

Emily is a Boston-based designer who earned her BFA in Visual Communication Design at the Hartford Art School. When not working at MOO she's most likely in her tiny home studio, sewing her own dresses, reading lots of non-fiction, and making breakfast for dinner.

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