Affermazioni provocatorie


Now is the time to be loud, to make extravagant statements and wild claims, to paint a rainbow on your cheek and carry the world in your hair. Style isn't always about clothes. Stick that on a Postcard.

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La moda deve attirare l'attenzione, deve essere accattivante, altrimenti non è niente. Questi cartoni provocatori sono una sfida per tutti: dai designer ai commercianti, dagli stilisti a chi si prepara per una serata fuori. Siate audaci! Siate disinvolti! Siate colorati! Quando passate per strada, la gente resterà a bocca aperta...e, se necessario, tenete sempre pronti i vostri dati di contatto.

Informazioni sul designer

Creating beauty and humour through fancy pictures Neil McFarland (aka Paris Hair) loves to show you his drawings and hopes very much that your enjoy resting your eyes upon them. Inspired by women and nature his work is a celebration of curls and curves, and being a cartoonist at heart, is scattered with some unusual visual tokens. The work of Paris Hair hopes to to slip your mind out of gear.

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