

Some people say it with flowers, some say it with sky-writing, but when your New Year greeting has to stand out from the rest and captivate the eye of your German friends and family, say it with geometry!

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The typography of this design is influenced by modernism's infatuation with, and use of, geometric shapes, but it's really in the colours that the message starts to become something more friendly. Geometry can do a lot, but it takes a bit of pigmentation to deliver warm and vivid sentiments, especially at this time of year.

Informazioni sul designer

Chris Baron si è laureato in Design Multimediale nel 2005 presso l'Università di Southampton, nel Regno Unito. Ha lavorato in diverse aree creative del packaging, della stampa e del cinema, collaborando anche a progetti per la BBC e Guerilla Creative. Le sue fonti di ispirazione sono il paesaggio urbano e pionieri del design come Saul Bass.

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