Abeti geometrici


Mathematics and forestry unite for a festive knees-up in the tessellating trees. For extra fun, ask a friend to count exactly how many trees there are in each design. They'll be there all night.

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It's relatively easy to tessellate triangles, but there's a fine art to arranging trees – which are like triangles with a trunk – into pleasing patterns without it looking like a messy forest. These spiral around each other, and if you squint a bit, you can see a bigger tree pattern behind the small ones. Please don't ask where the baubles and tinsel should go.

Informazioni sul designer

Chris Baron si è laureato in Design Multimediale nel 2005 presso l'Università di Southampton, nel Regno Unito. Ha lavorato in diverse aree creative del packaging, della stampa e del cinema, collaborando anche a progetti per la BBC e Guerilla Creative. Le sue fonti di ispirazione sono il paesaggio urbano e pionieri del design come Saul Bass.

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